HomeCustomer Relationship Management Solution in UAE

Smart Business SolutionsCustomer Relationship Management Solution

The primary purpose of Forsa ERP is to grow your business exponentially. Business growth gets possible only if the clients get satisfied with the company’s performance. Therefore, Forsa ERP introduced CRM to improve the company-client relationship. This software focuses on the betterment of the system, so the customers stay convinced. It does so by automating the whole process, which also ensures no errors. It organizes all the activities in a way that nothing remains behind. Marketing, sales and customer services are the central departments of this software. As Forsa ERP is a cloud-based system, so it takes care of all these processes. It provides automation and a facility for customers to customize their needs. This system also works remotely, so visiting the company for complaints and queries is no hassle.

CRM places all the data in unified storage because it gets integrated easily. It means that the customers don’t have to check multiple sites to oversee their data. The customer details also keep updating from time to time. Some customers have multiple accounts, but it is no issue for the admin to track it. The system ensures to rectify the problems in less time to increase the customer’s lifetime value. It shows that Forsa ERP is an ultimate destination for storing customers’ data and maintaining their relationships.


Data Bank

The objective of a data bank is to add the banking details of customers to the database. This data includes the customer’s name, contact number, website, email, GST and NTN number. All these details get necessary to initiate the CRM Software. The system can’t work without these details. The admin doesn’t need to worry about data storage because it has unlimited space. The admin and customer can add as many details as they want to, along with deleting the unrequired data. The software gets rid of unnecessary and duplicate data by itself. If the customer needs to add new banking details, then he must fill the form for verification. Moreover, there is no need to check banking details by searching each customer’s account. This software generates a list of all the banking details of customers in one go.

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Data Bank

The objective of a data bank is to add the banking details of customers to the database. This data includes the customer’s name, contact number, website, email, GST and NTN number. All these details get necessary to initiate the CRM Software. The system can’t work without these details. The admin doesn’t need to worry about data storage because it has unlimited space. The admin and customer can add as many details as they want to, along with deleting the unrequired data. The software gets rid of unnecessary and duplicate data by itself. If the customer needs to add new banking details, then he must fill the form for verification. Moreover, there is no need to check banking details by searching each customer’s account. This software generates a list of all the banking details of customers in one go.

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This section is responsible for adding the contact details of the customers to the database. CRM System allows only the admin to view this information as it is critical data. Several data can get added to the system along with the tracking. The data includes the customer’s name, bank details, email, phone numbers and title. It also enables tracking the customer interactions with the system. It gets allowed to share this information in some cases with the customer’s permission. As long as this data stays secure, this software maintains the customer relationship with the company. This integrated system saves all the results itself. Therefore, it directly increases the growth of the business.

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Daily Action Plan

The daily action plan is responsible for outlining the daily processes. Customer Relationship Management ensures that the tasks get assigned to the employees on time. The daily action plan calls helpful because it gets divided into categories for better understanding. The classes are starting and ending date, number of visits and nature of the job. The description of the job also gets specified by the assigned team. It helps in evaluating the work performance of the employees. The admin can add numerous data in the design along with the feature of editing and deleting. The amount of data in the system is unlimited.

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Sale Pipelines

This section deals with the list of sale results of the inventory. It gets compulsory to have a record of the sales list, and CRM provides it. The details of sale results include bank details, product details, prospect, status and next project. It keeps the company and customers to stay on the same page. The admin has the choice of changing the details as they get updated from time to time. Sales Pipelines are essential because they display the company’s progress so far. It also lets the firm know if they want to continue with the same customer in future. Meanwhile, the customer also shows their feedback of working with the company.

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Sales Pipeline History

The company must keep the list of all sales in the past. The customers don’t trust a company who don’t own a record of their sales history. CRM Software allows to efficiently and securely store all the data without the risk of getting lost. The manual system became a real issue in the past because the data used to get lost. It also got challenging to find the relevant data. But this software has reduced all such risks.

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Sales Report

Sales Reports get generated after the sale process get completed. It is no issue causing numerous reports at one time because it is an advanced system. Forsa ERP guarantees that the sales report gets reached to the admin on time to overview all the details. These reports get generated in PDF format, so there is no mixing up of paper documents. CRM System can increase work productivity by providing leading features.

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Sale Forecast /Prospect Report

A sales report is limited to only one sector, while a sale forecast deals with the sales report of all industries. The admin can add multiple sectors to the system without worrying about the storage. The process gets easier by adding ERP modules. These modules help to specify the industry or the data that the admin or customer wants to see. These advanced features have eased down the task of admin and ensured business productivity.

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Tender Report

Tender Reports are about the price sections of tenders. Once this report gets made, it is easier for the customer to select the tender of their choice. Customer Relationship Management has vast features and modules to increase the stability of the company. The admin also has the option to make relevant changes to reports. It makes sure to generate the reports on time, so the customers don’t have to wait.

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This section is responsible for adding the contact details of the customers to the database. CRM System allows only the admin to view this information as it is critical data. Several data can get added to the system along with the tracking. The data includes the customer’s name, bank details, email, phone numbers and title. It also enables tracking the customer interactions with the system. It gets allowed to share this information in some cases with the customer’s permission. As long as this data stays secure, this software maintains the customer relationship with the company. This integrated system saves all the results itself. Therefore, it directly increases the growth of the business.

Daily Action Plan

The daily action plan is responsible for outlining the daily processes. Customer Relationship Management ensures that the tasks get assigned to the employees on time. The daily action plan calls helpful because it gets divided into categories for better understanding. The classes are starting and ending date, number of visits and nature of the job. The description of the job also gets specified by the assigned team. It helps in evaluating the work performance of the employees. The admin can add numerous data in the design along with the feature of editing and deleting. The amount of data in the system is unlimited.

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Sale Pipelines

This section deals with the list of sale results of the inventory. It gets compulsory to have a record of the sales list, and CRM provides it. The details of sale results include bank details, product details, prospect, status and next project. It keeps the company and customers to stay on the same page. The admin has the choice of changing the details as they get updated from time to time. Sales Pipelines are essential because they display the company’s progress so far. It also lets the firm know if they want to continue with the same customer in future. Meanwhile, the customer also shows their feedback of working with the company.

Sales Pipeline History

The company must keep the list of all sales in the past. The customers don’t trust a company who don’t own a record of their sales history. CRM Software allows to efficiently and securely storage all the data without the risk of getting lost. The manual system became a real issue in the past because the data used to get lost. It also got challenging to find the relevant data. But this software has reduced all such risks.

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Sales Report

Sales Reports get generated after the sale process get completed. It is no issue causing numerous reports at one time because it is an advanced system. Forsa ERP guarantees that the sales report gets reached to the admin on time to overview all the details. These reports get generated in PDF format, so there is no mixing up of paper documents. CRM System can increase work productivity by providing leading features.

Sale Forecast /Prospect Report

A sales report is limited to only one sector, while a sale forecast deals with the sales report of all industries. The admin can add multiple sectors to the system without worrying about the storage. The process gets easier by adding ERP modules. These modules help to specify the industry or the data that the admin or customer wants to see. These advanced features have eased down the task of admin and ensured business productivity.

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Tender Report

Tender Reports are about the price sections of tenders. Once this report gets made, it is easier for the customer to select the tender of their choice. Customer Relationship Management has vast features and modules to increase the stability of the company. The admin also has the option to make relevant changes to reports. It makes sure to generate the reports on time, so the customers don’t have to wait.

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