HomeCustomer Relationship Management Solution

Smart Business SolutionsCustomer Relationship Management Solution

The ForsaERP will let you focus on your business and the customer relationship management solution will focus on your customers. Our CRM system will help to improve the business, customer relationship by automating and organizing the activities and communication among all the departments including the marketing, sales, and customer support services. ForsaERP is a cloud-based utility that is responsible to offer automation and liberty to the customers to update the system remotely. The Software is cloud-based and integrated so the data is saved in one single place, no matter from where it’s getting the inputs but the final output is saved on a single unit.

The software will keep the customer’s contact details updated. The admin can track the record of any customer and can manage the customer’s accounts. The system is responsible to improve customer relationship management and it will also improve the customers’ lifetime value. The CRM by ForsaERP will create a central point where the business will be storing the customer data, track customer interactions with the system, prospect data, and will share this information with other business sectors. The customer relationship management software is responsible to improve the customer relationship between customers and business. The positivity in the customer relationship increases the growth and productivity of the business.


Data Bank

The data bank section permits the admin to add the banking details of the customers or the employees. The CRM management allows the admin to add multiple bank data to the system. The banking details are saved in the system, the system displays lists of the saved banking details. The system projects ten entries per search, the software can display a hundred entries per search. Adding a new banking detail to the system would require the details such as name, phone number, industry, grade, website, email, sector, GST number, NTN number, and branch.

The software is integrated that’s why the results are saved to the database directly. The data is quite critical in the data bank, only the admin has the right to view or edit the data.

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Data Bank

The data bank section permits the admin to add the banking details of the customers or the employees. The CRM management allows the admin to add multiple bank data to the system. The banking details are saved in the system, the system displays lists of the saved banking details. The system projects ten entries per search, the software can display a hundred entries per search. Adding a new banking detail to the system would require the details such as name, phone number, industry, grade, website, email, sector, GST number, NTN number, and branch.

The software is integrated that’s why the results are saved to the database directly. The data is quite critical in the data bank, only the admin has the right to view or edit the data.

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The contact section enables you to add the contact of the customers in the customer relationship management system. The CRM admin can add multiple contact details to the system. The system keeps a track of all the contact data. The data in the contact is saved against the information like; name, title, data bank, assigned to, email, office phone, cellphone, and the date of the creation of the record. The system displays the saved data in the contacts, the admin has the access to view the records. The data saved in the contacts is can only be viewed by the admins, the access to the contacts is only to the admin of the system.

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Daily Action Plan

The section daily action plan elaborates the daily assignment. The admin is responsible to assign the tasks to the employees. The admin can add multiple records to the system, the admin holds the editing, deletion, or addition capability over the records. The data required for the addition of the daily action plan are starting date, ending date, number of visits, and the description of the daily action plan. In the description, the admin specifies the task exactly. These plans are day to day progress of the employees that help the management to evaluate the performance of the employees.

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Sale Pipelines

The sale pipelines are the listing utility that enables the admin to view the sale results against a product. The admin can edit, inactivate or delete the lists from the system. The sale pipelines save the lists by carrying the details such as plan assigned to, data bank, prospect, product details, stage, and next visit. The system displays the lists as ten entries per record the admin can view more records up to a hundred records per search in the system. The sale pipelines are very vital reports because these reports display the actual point of the progress of the sale.

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Sales Pipeline History

The customer relationship management software is capable of carrying the history of the sale pipeline. The history shows the exact figures about the progress of the sales. The system tracks the record of all the sale pipelines, the admin can view the details of the sale pipeline history whenever require. The system is integrated so whenever there is any alteration or modification in the records the system generates the alerts and saves the data automatically. The sales pipeline’s history is critical in terms of the evaluation of the sales team.

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Sales Report

The sales report are the reports generated on the sales records. The admin can generate multiple reports at a time. The reports are exported in PDF format by using ForsaERP’s customer relationship software. The generation of the report would require the details such as date from, date to, and the branch. These reports carry critical information and have the ability to influence productivity. The sales report are important for both business and employee point of view because it displays the productivity and the performance of the salesperson or team as well.

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Sale Forecast /Prospect Report

The sales forecast section is designed to display the sales report from all the sectors. The admin can add many sectors to the system to get the desired results. The section is capable of adding the complete ERP modules to it. The system allows the admin to add modules, sectors, stage of the product, date from, and date to. The system permits the admin to add multiple prospects for the forecasting of the report.

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Tender Report

The tender opening prices section projects the reports of the tenders. The admin can select multiple modules to check the tenders against some projects. The system saves the data of the tenders. The admin can generate the reports on the tenders. To check the availability of some tender in the system the required information is the module name, PPM, date from, and date to. The system saves the tenders from all modules, the admin can check the tender report by simply selecting the required module of the tender.

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The contact section enables you to add the contact of the customers in the customer relationship management system. The CRM admin can add multiple contact details to the system. The system keeps a track of all the contact data. The data in the contact is saved against the information like; name, title, data bank, assigned to, email, office phone, cellphone, and the date of the creation of the record. The system displays the saved data in the contacts, the admin has the access to view the records. The data saved in the contacts is can only be viewed by the admins, the access to the contacts is only to the admin of the system.

Daily Action Plan

The section daily action plan elaborates the daily assignment. The admin is responsible to assign the tasks to the employees. The admin can add multiple records to the system, the admin holds the editing, deletion, or addition capability over the records. The data required for the addition of the daily action plan are starting date, ending date, number of visits, and the description of the daily action plan. In the description, the admin specifies the task exactly. These plans are day to day progress of the employees that help the management to evaluate the performance of the employees.

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Sale Pipelines

The sale pipelines are the listing utility that enables the admin to view the sale results against a product. The admin can edit, inactivate or delete the lists from the system. The sale pipelines save the lists by carrying the details such as plan assigned to, data bank, prospect, product details, stage, and next visit. The system displays the lists as ten entries per record the admin can view more records up to a hundred records per search in the system. The sale pipelines are very vital reports because these reports display the actual point of the progress of the sale.

Sales Pipeline History

The customer relationship management software is capable of carrying the history of the sale pipeline. The history shows the exact figures about the progress of the sales. The system tracks the record of all the sale pipelines, the admin can view the details of the sale pipeline history whenever require. The system is integrated so whenever there is any alteration or modification in the records the system generates the alerts and saves the data automatically. The sales pipeline’s history is critical in terms of the evaluation of the sales team.

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Sales Report

The sales report are the reports generated on the sales records. The admin can generate multiple reports at a time. The reports are exported in PDF format by using ForsaERP’s customer relationship software. The generation of the report would require the details such as date from, date to, and the branch. These reports carry critical information and have the ability to influence productivity. The sales report are important for both business and employee point of view because it displays the productivity and the performance of the salesperson or team as well.

Sale Forecast /Prospect Report

The sales forecast section is designed to display the sales report from all the sectors. The admin can add many sectors to the system to get the desired results. The section is capable of adding the complete ERP modules to it. The system allows the admin to add modules, sectors, stage of the product, date from, and date to. The system permits the admin to add multiple prospects for the forecasting of the report.

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Tender Report

The tender opening prices section projects the reports of the tenders. The admin can select multiple modules to check the tenders against some projects. The system saves the data of the tenders. The admin can generate the reports on the tenders. To check the availability of some tender in the system the required information is the module name, PPM, date from, and date to. The system saves the tenders from all modules, the admin can check the tender report by simply selecting the required module of the tender.

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